hp维修技术资料 > 维修资料 > hp > 苏州hpHP4350售后维修电话696l6769 > 正文


hp4350显示49.4c02ERROR ,,tried to upgrade firmware
49.xxx errors are typically caused by a corrupt print job stuck in the print queue. Fastest way to test for this:
1. Turn off printer.
2. Unplug data cable (USB/Network) from printer.
3. Turn printer on. Is there a 49.xxx error, o r does the printer boot to a ready state? If it boots to a ready state, print an internal print (Config Report, etc...) If it prints that with no issue, then plug the data cable back into the printer , see if the 49.xxx error returns. If the 49.xxx error returns after all that, then it's a job that is corrupt. Go clear the print queue for every printer , print server for that printer.
Note: If you get a 49.xxx error with the data cable UNPLUGGED, then the formatter is likely the issue , will need to be replaced.



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