苏州施乐打印机维修服务网> 维修资料 > 施乐 > 苏州施乐S2520售后维修电话696l6769> 正文


更新时间:2024/4/18 5:18:02,view:275

施乐打印机S2520苏州施乐打印机售后维修服务中心电话0512-696l6769,苏州施乐维修点电话, 施乐p255d 错误010-397, 施乐S2520 062-380, 施乐打印机提示打印错误016-757, 施乐700彩机代码016—311, 富士施乐s2110代码010311,

施乐S2520开机报错077-900 苏州
errors 077-900 and 077-901 on Dell Laser Printer machine are quite common that can be fixed by performing the steps given below:
Turn off the Printer machine and remove the communication cables like USB or Ethernet, depending on Set-up. Now remove any Jammed Paper from the Printer. Now power the Printer machine on and verify whether the Paper Jam error is occurred on start-up, even when no Paper is jammed. If the Error is occurred on Start-Up, then please go to step 10.
And if no error is encountered on start-up, then print a System Settings Report. For printing a Settings Report:
- Hit the Menu Button.- Now use the Down Arrow until Reports/List is highlighted and hit Select (Tick) Button.- Now use the Down Arrow until System Settings is highlighted and then hit Select (Tick) Button.
And if there is no paper jam error when printing the Settings Page, then just re-connect the communication cable and try to print a Windows Test Page. If there is no paper jam error while printing the Windows Test Page then the printer is working as designed. If the Jam issue recurs when the System Settings Page is attempted, just clean the Feed Roller in the printer machine.





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